Ah, the 2000s—a time when our eyebrows bore the brunt of fashion trends, waxing poetic with every pluck. I remember the days when my trusty tweezers were both my best friends and worst enemies, sculpting my brows into oblivion because, well, that was the trend.

Thin was in, and little did I know, the journey back to fuller, lusher brows would be a saga of its own.

If you’ve ever found yourself in the throes of regrowth remorse, longing for the days of untamed, natural arches, you’re in the right place.

In the quest to regrow my eyebrow, I’ve discovered that Mother Nature offers quite a few useful remedies that can help you with eyebrow growth! From the humble kitchen shelf to the depths of our bathroom cabinets, the tools for regrowth are closer than you might think.

Let’s explore your options!

Looking for a full guide on how to get perfect eyebrows?

Common Causes of Eyebrow Thinning

Before diving into the elixirs and remedies, let’s take a moment to understand our adversary. Why do our brows betray us, thinning out just when we need them to stand strong?

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Well, it’s usually something innocent. Often, we tinker with our brows too much ourselves. It’s almost too easy to go overboard with plucking or waxing!

However, the culprits range from the overzealous plucking to the natural ebb of aging, not to mention issues with nutrition that leave our follicles famished.

If in doubt, always see a professional to get some help!

Natural Remedies for Eyebrow Regrowth

To get those thick, full brows might seem like a difficult task. But It’s really doable!

Applying natural oils and remedies to your brows consistently can be super helpful in supporting eyebrow health and nourishing them.

Here’s a guide to some of the most popular natural remedies people use for this purpose, complete with a step-by-step application guide for each.

1. Castor Oil

Renowned for its hair growth properties, castor oil is the heavyweight champion of home remedies. Rich in ricinoleic acid, this oil can potentially fortify your hair strands and awaken dormant follicles.

How to Apply:

  1. Start with a clean, makeup-free brow area.
  2. Dip a clean mascara wand or cotton swab into pure castor oil.
  3. Gently sweep the oil across each eyebrow, coating the hairs evenly.
  4. Leave it on overnight, then rinse with warm water in the morning.

2. Rosemary Oil

Rosemary oil isn’t just for culinary excellence; it’s believed to stimulate hair growth and improve circulation. Its woody scent is a bonus, evoking a spa-like tranquility as it works its magic on your brows.

How to Apply:

  1. Mix a few drops of rosemary essential oil with a carrier oil like jojoba or almond oil.
  2. Using a cotton swab, apply the blend carefully to your brows.
  3. Massage gently for a couple of minutes to enhance absorption.
  4. Leave it on for at least 30 minutes or overnight, then cleanse with a mild face wash.

3. Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil, with its fresh, tingling sensation, is said to awaken your hair follicles, potentially speeding up growth and adding a refreshing zing to your beauty routine.

How to Apply:

  1. Dilute peppermint essential oil with a carrier oil to avoid irritation.
  2. Apply the mixture with a cotton swab, being cautious not to get it in your eyes.
  3. Let it sit for 30 minutes, then wash off with cool water.

4. Petroleum Jelly

Vaseline, or petroleum jelly, a staple in beauty arsenals worldwide, isn’t just for chapped lips. Its moisture-sealing properties can create a conducive environment for hair growth by locking in hydration.

How to Apply:

  1. Apply a tiny dab of petroleum jelly on each brow.
  2. Gently massage it in before bedtime.
  3. Rinse off in the morning with your regular cleanser.

5. Egg Yolk

Egg yolk, rich in biotin and proteins, can be a nourishing feast for your brows, potentially encouraging thicker growth with its nutrient-packed goodness.

How to Apply:

  1. Separate the yolk from an egg, whisking it until smooth.
  2. Apply the yolk to your eyebrows with a brush or fingers.
  3. Leave it on for 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Related: 8 Secrets to Natural Eyelash Growth: Get the Flutter You Desire

6. Jojoba Oil

Jojoba oil‘s structure closely resembles the natural oils produced by our skin, making it an excellent choice for nurturing hair follicles without clogging pores.

How to Apply:

  1. Gently massage a few drops of jojoba oil onto your eyebrows.
  2. Allow it to absorb overnight, then wash off in the morning.

7. Onion Juice

Onion juice, rich in sulfur, might sound like an unconventional choice, but it’s thought to strengthen hair and stimulate regrowth, thanks to its nourishing minerals.

How to Apply:

  1. Extract juice from a small onion using a blender or grater, then strain.
  2. Apply the juice with a cotton pad, avoiding eye contact.
  3. Rinse off after 15 minutes with cold water and a mild cleanser to neutralize the scent.

8. Vitamin E Oil

Vitamin E oil is celebrated for its antioxidant properties, which can protect and repair hair follicles, potentially leading to more robust brow growth.

How to Apply:

  1. Pierce a vitamin E capsule and squeeze out the oil.
  2. Apply directly to your eyebrows and massage gently.
  3. Leave it on overnight for maximum absorption.

9. Green Tea

Green tea, brimming with antioxidants and caffeine, can invigorate your hair follicles, potentially encouraging healthier, fuller growth.

How to Apply:

  1. Brew a strong cup of green tea and let it cool.
  2. Dip a cotton pad in the tea and gently dab it on your eyebrows.
  3. Leave it to air dry; no need to rinse.

10. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera, with its cooling and healing properties, can soothe the skin around the brows, potentially creating a better environment for hair to thrive.

How to Apply:

  1. Extract fresh aloe vera gel from a leaf, or use a pure store-bought version.
  2. Massage the gel gently into your eyebrows.
  3. Leave it on as a non-greasy, overnight treatment or rinse off after 30 minutes.

11. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is not just for your kitchen; it’s a deeply nourishing oil that can moisturize and protect your eyebrow hairs, reducing breakage and encouraging growth.

How to Apply:

  1. Warm a small amount of coconut oil between your fingers.
  2. Apply it to your eyebrows and massage gently.
  3. Leave it on overnight for deep conditioning or wash off after an hour.

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